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2021, a new way of life...

For most of us 2020 was a difficult year, whether is was losing our jobs or income, losing a loved one or being sick ourselves, and yet time moves on. The days become weeks and the weeks become a whole year later.

In Cyprus nearly 1 year ago we had just started dealing with the beginning of the COVID pandemic. It escalated slowly but in March schools were shutdown over night and then slowly businesses were closed and we were put into a 3 month lockdown. It was the longest 3 months of my life! My kids were always at home, my husband was always at home, my maid was not coming for the weekly clean...the house was always a mess, the sink was always full and we all spend our days eating and drinking! It was definitely a time to remember!

As the summer in Cyprus approached we were let out of our prisons and released to enjoy our local beaches. I must say, I have never spent so much of my summer locally and it was quite lovely being a tourist in our home country.

what cover taught us, funny, lessons

But like the lockdown this too had to come to an end and when the kids finally went back to school after being at home for 6 months I was ecstatic! It was Christmas, Easter and my birthday all rolled into one! It didn't last long! With the coming of winter came the second Covid wave and our second lockdown.

And so we must now learn to live in a new era. An era where we wear face masks, where we use antiseptic on our hands till the dry out, we don't hugs or kiss (in Cyprus this is quite a problem as that's how we great each other...yes we are very friendly!!). Our children are told not to get too close to each other, to sit quietly and not roam around their classroom or playground. To play alone, to eat be alone. To stay safe. What has this world come to...

With all these new rules and restrictions and protocols and social distancing we still try to keep our minds positive, our hopes up and a little laughter in our lives. (Mainly to try and stay sane!) We do it for our children, for our elders, for our friends. We adapt, we learn and we carry on!

So stay strong people! As I always like to say "This too shall pass!"Try to see the beauty and take joy in simple pleasure of your daily lives!


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