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A typical day for a SAHM

Morning Rush

The morning rush is the most hectic time of your day. You're trying to get everyone up and out the door in time for school, so you need to be quick about it. Make breakfast, pack lunches (and find those lost shoes), then send them off with a kiss on their heads or cheeks. If you're lucky enough not to have any appointments during this period of time (or if they're all done before 7am), then you can take some time for yourself! Maybe go for a walk around the block or read a book while drinking coffee at home before heading off into work mode again later in the day when everyone gets home from school/daycare/etc..

Cleaning and Chores

I'm sure you've heard the saying "A clean house is a sign of a wasted life." Well, I'm here to tell you that it's true. I may not be able to do everything on my list every day, but I try my best to keep up with the basics: sweeping, mopping and vacuuming (in that order), dusting around the edges of things like picture frames and lamps; laundry--lots of laundry--and tidying up toys as they appear in various parts of the house after being left behind by children who were playing somewhere else just moments ago. I also wipe down surfaces throughout our home regularly with disinfectant wipes or antibacterial spray because germs are everywhere and we don't want them touching our food or infecting us when we eat!

Meal Planning and Grocery Shopping

  • Meal planning for the week.

  • Writing the grocery list.

  • Going to the store and loading up your car with all of your items, including food, toiletries, cleaning supplies and more!


  • Making playdough.

  • Playing catch.

  • Reading books. You can read to your kids, or they can read to you! It's a great way for them to practice their reading skills and build confidence in their abilities as readers. Plus, it's fun!

  • Going to the park (or other outdoor space). This is one of my favorite things about being a SAHM: getting outside with my kids! We go on walks together and sometimes even take our bikes along for the ride if we're feeling extra adventurous--and if there isn't too much traffic on the roadways around us at any given time during our outing(s).

Educational Activities

  • Helping with homework

  • Teaching a craft or skill, such as sewing or knitting

  • Creating a science experiment to do at home

  • Learning a new language

Bath Time

  • Bathing the kids

  • Brushing their teeth

  • Putting on pajamas

  • Reading a bedtime story

Down Time

  • Checking emails

  • Catching up on the news

  • Chatting with friends

  • Taking a nap


  • Preparing dinner.

  • Setting the table.

  • Eating as a family, and then cleaning up after everyone is done eating.

Night Time

  • Tucking everyone in

  • Checking in on homework

  • Putting away the toys

  • Turning off the lights

Bed Time

  • Getting ready for bed.

  • Checking the locks on the doors and windows, then turning off all the lights in your home.

  • Setting your alarm clock to wake you up in time to get everyone ready for school or work, then going into each room of your house and making sure that nothing has been left open or unlocked by mistake.


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