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COVID and my Aunt Flo

It's bad enough Aunt Flo comes to visit every single month she also causes a mess and interrupts our summer holidays or ruins our plans to wear those new white jeans. Wanted or not she has a sixth sense about the worst possible time to visit and pops up! The only thing that has scared her into disappearing or constantly appearing is what also scared most of us from going anywhere for that last 2 years - a little world pandemic called COVID.

So I got COVID in April this year, I was lucky enough not to really have symptoms except a blocked nose for 2 days and later lost my taste and smell for about a month. The worst of it was that I had Flo visiting every 10 days to 2 weeks. At the time I was worried and didn't consider it had anything to do with COVID and because I have a history of Cervical Cancer so I rushed to the gynaecologist. So the bleeding was very light but very often, without pain really, but again, you never know! (As someone who has been through this experience I can tell you that the only reason I have children today is because I was consistent with my Pap smear tests and visits to the doctor. He managed to catch it very early and with a little laser treatment I was fine and went on to have 2 beautiful, healthy children. I can't stress enough how important it is to keep up with your yearly check ups!)

So anyway after a visit to the OBGYN, he checked everything was ok and told me that most of his patients have the same exact problem after going through COVID and it could take up to 3 months for Flo's visits to go back to normal. I felt much better after that, especially after he said that so many women were going through the exact same thing. The truth is it was quite inconvenient because you didn't know when Aunt Flo was going to show up and I kept a diary of the days and couldn't wait till the 3 month were up!

Exactly 3 months after I got COVID everything went back to normal! I wouldn't know why '3 months', maybe thats how long it takes for the virus to completely leave the body and stop messing with our hormones but I was so glad to see the last of the constantly visiting Flo! ;)


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