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Years fly...

We celebrated my son’s 12th birthday today, in lockdown with just the 4 of us standing around a birthday cake while the rest of the family sang Happy Birthday to him via video call. It was the quietest birthday we’ve ever thrown him and even though I felt sorry that I couldn’t give him the party he wanted, surrounded by his friends, cousins, grandparents....i can still appreciate that he has been in our lives for 12 wonderful years. He came into the world and made me a mother and i blinked and suddenly 12 years rushed by. In these difficult times it’s good to remember that life is short and it flies by so fast that if we don’t take a minute to stop and appreciate the little, every day things than it will rush past and we will miss it.

Take a break, spend time with your children. Do things you didn’t have time to do with them before because soon....they will be teenagers, college students, adults and then they won’t have time to spend with you!

Son's birthday, Ectoras, growing


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